In a bid to enable company's decide the policies, procedures and trained personnel they require to comply with Health and Safety Legislation, St John Ambulance have devised a course which will ensure companies are able to protect the well-being of their employees.
The Working Safety (IOSH) courses' main aim is to increase the number of both employers and employees' knowledge of what their responsibilities are and how their work activities affect not just themselves but also their colleagues.
Some of the areas covered in the course are as follows:
- Common safety hazards.
- Causes of injury in the workplace.
- The working environment.
- Reporting of hazards.
- Duties of employers and employees.
- Safe systems of work.
Mr. Philip Cheung, Yorkshire-based Marketing Projects Officer, said:
"The course is there to reduce company costs and show employees that their well-being is protected.
"We as a charity are trying to let everybody know that we are more than just specialists in First Aid training."
Further information on the St John Ambulance 7 hour course can be accessed from their Website by clicking the following:
St John Ambulance Working Safely Webpage
Article by Alexandra Johnston