Following last year's Better Backs Campaign, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) are once again preparing for this year's event which commences in October 2006.
Focusing on the holistic approach needed to manage back pain, the campaign will promote the following:
- Sensible workplace precautions that reduce the risk of back pain.
- Emphasise the positive benefits of staying active with back pain.
- Encourage employers and employees to work together to help people return to normal activities including work.
Funding is available to run campaign events and the HSE is keen to involve such stakeholders as the following:
- The voluntary sector.
- Trades unions and employee’s representatives.
- Trade associations.
- Professional bodies and businesses.
The HSE have provided a specific Webpage for the Better Backs Campaign which can be accessed by clicking the following, so please take a moment to visit the webpage and sign up to join the campaign:
Getting ready for Better Backs
Article by Alexandra Johnston