Sunday, September 03, 2006

20 August 2006 - HSE Construction Statistics Show Fall in Fatalities

20 August 2006 - HSE Construction Statistics Show Fall in Fatalities

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) provisional construction figures, released on Thursday 17 August 2006, have shown the total number of fatal injuries to workers within the industry during 2005/06 was 59, which is a fall from the final figure of 69 in 2004/05, the lowest figure on record.

The breakdown of the 59 fatalities were as follows:

  • 8 deaths during the construction of commercial buildings.
  • 8 deaths during domestic projects.
  • 8 fatalities on projects involving special trades.
  • 8 in the construction of highways and roads.

Mr. Stephen Williams, HSE Chief Inspector of Construction said:

"These figures are very good and I am pleased with progress so far. It is positive news that HSE in partnership with all in industry - employers, unions and stakeholder bodies - are driving down fatalities on sites.

"However, we should be cautious. One year's figures should not be viewed in isolation and it is too early to say whether the reduction in fatal injuries represents the significant behaviour change the industry has been promising.

"Let us not be complacent - one death is still one too many.

"Only by continuing to work with the industry can we improve the health and safety of workers within construction.

"I applaud the recently agreed short and medium term objectives set by the Strategic Forum for Construction. These include qualifying the workforce, progressing the behavioural change we have started to see in construction and harnessing the capacity of technological change to fuel improved health and safety performance. All of these will help contribute to a successful future for the construction industry."

A code of practice was launched at the 2005 Summit "Respect for People", which set out actions for all within the construction industry and can be accessed from the HSE Webpage, by clicking the following:

Construction: Strategic Forum Code of Practice

The HSE also have a Webpage with information on their Construction Division, which can be accessed by clicking the following:

HSE Construction

Article by Alexandra Johnston