The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have published the annual fatal injury statistics, which show the lowest amount of fatal injuries on record.
The statistics show fatalities of 212 In 2005/2006, which is a reduction from 223 in 2004/2005.
However, falls from height still remain the most common cause of fatalities with 46 deaths from falls and although this figure is down by 7 since the 2004/2005 statistics, the HSE's recent Working at Height Campaign is aimed at reducing this figure even further.
Mr. Bill Callaghan, Chair of HSC said:
"The figures are very encouraging but more needs to be done. There are still too many people killed at work every year, and quite often simple, inexpensive measures could have prevented the tragic loss of life.
"The figures show that the Commission's strategy is working. This is based on enforcement, information and advice, regulation and persuasion and working in partnership with industry and trade unions.
"The construction industry is an example where all parties have worked closely together over a number of years and achieved impressive results."
The latest statistics of fatal injuries within the workplace in Britain can be accessed from the HSE Webpage by clicking the following:
HSE - Latest UK Statistics for Fatalities
As falls from height is still of major concern, please take a moment to check the dedicated HSE Webpage by clicking the following:
Article by Alexandra Johnston