The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have been asked for advice by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) on "the potential role of pre-licensing assessments of candidate designs of nuclear power stations."
Prior to submitting their advice to the DTI, the HSE would like your views on HSE's thoughts, as they review their strategy for regulation of nuclear power stations.
The HSE stress this is not a consultation request. It is about HSE's "approach to regulating design of nuclear power stations, if asked to do so."
Issues examined in the discussion document are as follows:
Whether the current licensing process is sufficiently transparent.
If any features of overseas regulatory regimes offer the UK benefits.
The extent to which HSE should give credit to safety assessments undertaken by overseas nuclear regulators.
It identifies areas where HSE would welcome views and poses a series of questions.
The HSE would like your comments to be submitted by 28 April, 2006.
The discussion document and all other information relating to this matter can be accessed from the HSE's Webpage by clicking the following:
HSE review of the pre-licensing process for potential new build of nuclear power stations
Article by Alexandra Johnston