An initiative, "Watch out for your bin man", launched by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), aims at reducing the number of injuries to waste collection workers, by calling upon the assistance of householders.
71,000 information leaflets have been distributed to Leicestershire households highlighting three simple steps householders can take to help prevent injuries of their waste collection workers.
The three main steps are as follows:
Never over-load your waste and recycling bin.
Drive safely and with caution around your waste and recycling collection workers' lorry.
Keep all areas clear of obstacles and anything they could slip on.
The information sheet also includes "Watch your back" stickers, which the HSE would like householders to stick on their bins, as a reminder to collection workers when lifting.
Paul Harvey, HSE's Waste and Recycling Principal Inspector said:
"Collecting waste and recyclables often goes unnoticed. Collection workers start early in the morning, often before dawn, cover thousands of miles a year and sort and lift huge quantities of our waste and recyclables - we can often take their work for granted.
"However, they work in an industry that has a fatal incident rate ten times higher than the national average, they cross the road on average 30,000 times a year and lift the equivalent of a double-decker bus each day. These are significant hazards."
Workplace transport, slips and trips and musculoskeletal injuries account for two-thirds of all accidents within the waste collection industry.
Following 9 reported fatalities in 8 weeks, in the waste and recycling industry, the HSE issued a safety alert to the industry. You can access our HSfB news story on this topic by clicking the following:
4 March 2006 - HSE Issues Safety Alert to Waste and Recycling Industry
The HSE provide a webpage dedicated to Health and safety in the waste management and recycling industries, which can be accessed by clicking the following:
Health and Safety in the Waste Management and Recycling Industry
Workplace Transport advice can be accessed from HSE's Webpage by clicking the following:
Further information on slips and trips can also be accessed from HSE's Webpage by clicking the following:
Further information on musculoskeletal disorders can be accessed from HSE's Webpage by clicking the following:
Article by Alexandra Johnston