The Government's Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), have published proposals for consultation into solid low level radioactive waste.
Although this type of radioactive waste is normally associated with nuclear facility operations, the consultation is addressing long-term management of such waste materials in smaller amounts, generated from non-nuclear industries such as the following:
Research and educational facilities.
The oil and gas industries.
The future also holds the possibility of substantial amounts of nuclear waste being generated by the de-commissioning of nuclear sites, affecting such as the following:
Building rubble.
The three main questions asked in the consultation by the UK Government, Scottish Executive, Welsh Assembly Government and in Northern Ireland, the Department of the Environment are as follows:
Whether there should be greater flexibility in the management of the wide range of low level radioactive wastes, provided that the necessary level of safety is maintained.
Should the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority be expected to consider other (i.e. non-NDA) nuclear and non-nuclear industry needs when making arrangements for the management and disposal of its own wastes?
Should regional and local authority planners play a greater role in providing for the management of non-nuclear low level radioactive wastes generated within their own areas?
The consultation period will run until 31 March 2006.
Future disposal of nuclear waste could affect the health and welfare of all, so with this in mind, why not let your views be known in the consultation.
The consultation document can be accessed by clicking the following:
Further information can be accessed from the DEFRA Website by clicking the following:
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
Further information on the UK's radioactive waste can be accessed from the Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CRWM) Website by clicking the following:
Committee on Radioactive Waste Management
Article by Alexandra Johnston