Sunday, January 29, 2006

26 January 2006 - HSE Webpage on Noise and Vibration Roadshows

26 January 2006 - HSE Webpage on Noise and Vibration Roadshows:
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have provided a webpage containing presentations from their noise and vibration roadshows. Some of the contents within the webpage, in pdf format, are as follows and well worth a look:

*Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005.
*Control of risks from Hand Arm Vibration.
*Health surveillance for Hand-arm Vibration Syndrome.
*Control of risks from Whole Body Vibration.
*Vibration at work: good practice controls.
*Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005.
*Control of Noise at Work.
*Noise at Work: good practice controls.
*Health surveillance for noise-induced hearing loss - Audiometry.

The HSE webpage containing information on the above can be accessed by clicking the following:

HSE- Vibration: Noise and Vibration Roadshows - Presentations

Further information on noise at work can be accessed from HSfB's main 'Your Articles' webpage by clicking the following:

Noise at Work

Article by Alexandra Johnston