18 January 2006 - NASUWT Survey Reveals Abuse of Teachers on Daily Basis:
The National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) conducted a survey in the South West of England over a two week period in November 2005, in order to assess the daily abuse, threats and insults teachers have to endure in their workplace.
The following results of the survey, which asked 355 teachers to record the level of verbal abuse they had to face on a daily basis, demonstrates how teachers' health and safety are being jepordised during their working day:
71% of recorded insults occurred in the classroom.
1% occurred out-with school.
13 incidents threatened violence.
One abusive comment was: 'I'm going to petrol-bomb your car.'
A further abusive comment was: 'I'm going to get my brother to stab you in the face.'
The survey found the worst time for verbal abuse was just prior to lunch break.
The survey found the worst day of the week to be Monday.
Swearing was most likely to be done by year 10's.
Chris Keates, NASUWT General Secretary, said:
'These snapshot regional surveys NASUWT is now using on a regular basis are very revealing. They demonstrate that there is a great deal of work still to be done to tackle the corrosive and debilitating effects on teachers of verbal abuse.
'No one should have to face this on a daily basis. It is essential that the health and welfare of staff is protected by a clear school policy of zero tolerance of this type of behaviour.'
Julian Chapman, Chair of NASUWT's South West Regional Executive Committee, commented:
'What is clear is that some teachers clearly endure, day to day, a torrent of foul language, personal abuse and obscenities which would not be tolerated in any other profession.
'Sadly, we believe