Tuesday, January 24, 2006

24 January 2006 - Latest HSE Guidances Consultations and Research Reports

24 January 2006 - Latest HSE Guidances Consultations and Research Reports:

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have provided new Guidance's, Consultations and Research Reports within their webpage's as follows:

*Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969: A Guide for Employers

*RR405 - Design, materials and connections for blast-loaded structures

*RR411 - Testing and standards for rock reinforcement consumables

*RR416 - Information to accompany patients undergoing nuclear medicine procedures

*RR419 - Evidence base for identifying potential failures in the specification, use and maintenance of PPE at work

*RR421 - Organisational dynamics and safety culture in UK train operating companies

*RR422 - Developing guidelines for the selection of designers and contractors under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994

Two Campaigns have also been launched by the HSE as follows:

*Construction - Good order initiative

*HSE - Campaigns: Workplace Transport

Furthermore, the HSE's contribution of a Safety Report to assist in the Governments' Energy Review can be accessed by clicking the following:

*HSE to contribute safety report to energy review

To access any of the above, please click the relevant link.

Article by Alexandra Johnston