A new audit on gangmasters who supply farming and food industries within the UK with casual labour, has produced shocking results.
The audit, conducted for the Temporary Labour Working Group, is the most detailed study of employment practices of gangmasters yet. Just over 200 gangmasters were inspected, of which 164 have to date been processed.
Confidential interviews with workers (majority being migrants), have produced the following shocking results:
*13 instances were of bonded or forced labour.
*28 cases were of the illegal employment of children and young workers.
*At one audit a Health and Safety Inspector narrowly escaped a fork lift truck striking him whilst being driven by a 14-year-old child.
The gangmasters audited were mostly from processing and packaging factories, all of whom volunteered for the audit. However, the majority were failing to comply with the law in areas such as the following:
*Only 10% were found to be obeying all the rules.
*Of those in breach of regulations, 40% were breaking the law in six or more ways.
*There were instances of bonded labour breaches on employment of minors.
*There were more than 200 infringements of Health and Safety rules.
*There were 40 cases of illegal deductions from workers pay.
*There were 34 immigration and foreign workers' rights to work offences.
The auditors also received numerous allegations from whistle-blowers and workers concerning such things as the following:
*Allegations of bonded labour.
*Allegations of unpaid wages.
*Allegations of evasion of tax.
*Allegations of concealed subcontracting.
*Allegations of forced overtime.
*Allegations of overcrowded and unhygienic conditions.
*Allegations of intimidation.
*Allegations of crminal activity.
*Allegations of immigration offences.
However, The Association of Labour Providers representing gangmasters say that although the figures looked bad, "in many cases they referred to breaches of regulations that were unenforceable."
Chairman of The Association of Labour Providers, Mark Boleat, said:
"The majority of illegal deductions related to transport. In respect of children, anyone under school leaving age must have local education authority and parental consent to work - that's unenforceable.
"Obviously, there would have been some nasty non-compliances, but if you audit any other group of businesses you would find many similar issues."
Mr. Boleat was concerned that when he did come across serious abuses and reported them, no enforcement action was taken.
Although Legislation requiring gangmasters to be licensed was passed in 2005, the Government still have not decided which sectors of the industry should come under the new scheme. However, an announcement by the Government is expected in February 2006.
This decision must surely be a matter of great urgency in the Government's agenda, as not only the Health and Safety of workers, but also the Health and Safety of children is at risk.
Further information on the Gangmasters (Licensing) Act 2004 can be accessed from DEFRA's Website by clicking the following:
Defra, UK - Farming - Agricultural employment - gangmasters
Article by Alexandra Johnston