The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) are set to carry out their campaign on construction site inspections this July in Warrington. They will be concentrating their attentions on the significant risks that are responsible for many of the 'serious and fatal accidents each year'.
The town of Warrington is undergoing significant construction activities from the Golden Square redevelopment and the new bus station, to the new housing at areas like Burtonwood.
HSE construction inspector Nic Rigby commented:
"During July many of the active construction sites in Warrington can expect to be visited. The inspectors will be concentrating their attentions on those risks that are responsible for the majority of the serious and fatal accidents each year.
"Contractors need to be sure that they are managing the significant risks on their sites, in particular those involving falls from height and vehicle movements. There has been an improvement in the standard of good order on the sites in the last year, but this also has to be maintained.
"If HSE's inspectors come across situations where there is a significant risk to those working on the site, or to members of the public affected by it, they will take action to ensure the problem is resolved.
"In many cases this will involve the service of enforcement notices that may close the site down completely. On others, particularly where contractors have a record of poor performance and they don't appear to have got the message, prosecution may be more appropriate.
"I hope that contractors will take this message seriously and make sure that health and safety issues on their sites are being properly managed at all times, not only when we visit."