As part of the Working Well Together (WWT) programme and the Health and Safety Executive's Height Aware campaign, a half-day Safety and Health Awareness Day (SHAD) will take place on Wednesday, 12 July 2006, from 8.40am to 1.15pm at Newmarket Racecourse in Suffolk.
The event is intended for small construction firms, people or organisations involved in maintenance, facilities managers and contractors carrying out or commissioning repair work based in Cambridgeshire, Suffolk and Essex.
HSE principal inspector
"Falls from height are a major cause of injuries at work. In many cases, work at height is a "one off" or incidental to the main job to be done. This means people often don't recognise the risks and so don't take the precautions they need to work safely.
Work at height includes any work that involves people being in a position from which they could fall and injure themselves. If you do this work yourself you have a duty to safeguard yourself and people working under your control. If you employ contractors you still have a duty to ensure that they are competent and have a safe system of work."