Some of you may be experiencing some difficulty accessing the discussion forums at the moment. This may be causing your internet explorer to freeze and stop responding. There have been a few people comment on this recently and we can only apologise for the inconvenience caused. The reason for this issue is still unknown, but the support forums may have identified the issue as only affecting people who use Internet Explorer 5 or 6. Firefox users are not affected by this issue. So, if your work computers still use IE 5 or 6 (which they likely are), then you may experience this issue, but if you use IE7 or Firefox at home etc, then you should not experience this issue at all.
There are two things to try to allow access to the forums.
1. Access the forums from the link on the home page - - - rather than from a shortcut on your desktop or in your favourites folder.
2. Access the forums using Firefox.
These solutions are not ideal, but this issue is beyond our control at the moment. We will update you all on this issue as it progresses. You can also keep track of the issue on the phpBB3 support forum topic here -
If you have any questions, please Contact Us.